Privacy policy Clockin#7299

This service is provided by the main and only developer (catboydylan).

Data logging and use-cases:

The bot/service/owner stores:

  • Usernames (used for ease of access for administration when looking at data).
  • Nicknames (used for ease of access for administration when looking at data)
  • User IDs (used as unique identifier for every user, used to store data and retrieve it reliably).
  • Guild/Server IDs (used as unique identifier for every server, used to store data and retrieve it reliably).
  • NOTHING ELSE IS INVISIBLY STORED (everything else is visible through commands such as settings, alldata, etc).

Where the data is stored:

Contabo (The VPS (Virtual Private Server) host, in one of their data-centers in Germany). The bot is hosted on this server.
On my PC (Personal Computer or desktop). Only used for backups encrypted with a password.

Data removal:

Data removal is currently a manual process for the bot owner. Send a DM (Direct Message) to the owner or mention (@) him in the support server in a help channel. You will then be completely removed from the bot, except for your user ID, it will be kept in the blacklist to make sure the bot won't save anything about you again.

This privacy policy may be changed at any time! A notification will be given in the support server when that happens!
Old versions of the TOS stay up on this website to compare changes.
Latest change: Jul 15th 2024 (separated TOS and privacy policy)